Nasaq Planets

  • na-plan

    NASAQ PLANETS; Institutional Fields

    NASAQ’s contribution to moral, socio-political and socio-economic philosophy, science and developmental practice is embodied within three Institutional Realms; namely: Philosophia, Strategia and Achievia.  Those are the so-called NASAQ planets. They cater for Thinking Development, Applied Research and Synergetic Implementation.
    NASAQ Foundation weaves the links between Philosophy, Holistic/ Strategic Thinking and Structured Execution (Linear Planning) in one comprehensive model. The foundation’s unique model is the practical manifestation of its identity as a humanistic thinking and Sustainable development platform.

    It is within NASAQ units, or what we call ‘Planets’, where those links are woven, in aim of establishing and enlivening the new ‘Wisdom Age’ Paradigm for Humanity.

  • bf

    NASAQ Alhikmah / Planet ‘PHILOSOPHIA;

    Academia for Humanistic Studies

    ‘Philosophia’ constitutes an academia for Humanistic Thinking with a focus on moral, ontological, socio-economic and socio-political philosophy. It is within this realm  that philosophical debates are initiated to blossom and fruit.
    It is the provenance of the founder’s (Dr.Higazy) contribution to humanistic, moral, socio-economic and socio-political philosophy. Prominent ideas from Higazy’s work are:

    • Termini Reality
    • Eligibility Based Justice
    • Comingling Balance of Societies
    • A theory of Humanism / Departure from Industrialism/ Humanistic Liberalism
    • Wisdom Age Paradigm ‘The ACME Paradigm’
    • The ACME Strategy/ The V.A.N. Balance Approach

    His work has focused on departure from industrialism and is founding thought for the Wisdom Age “Conceptual Age” yet to emerge.

    Inspired by Plato’s Academia (of Greece) along with Ibn Rushd Andalusian School, and counting equivalent to ‘philosophy groups’ throughout history, NASAQ yet sets a new par in developing Humanistic Thinking.

  • bui

    SEYAQ Alhikmah / Planet ‘STRATEGIA’;

    Strategic Studies Unit

    This Unit of NASAQ Foundation, commercially known as “SQUARE Institute for Strategic Thinking,” caters for applied research and Strategic studies on Corporate and Societal Development. Core focus is on Developing Strategic Thinking and Sustainable Institutional Development.

    Planet ‘Strategia’ constitutes an ‘intellectual architect’ and a development platform for think tanks. Its network fosters centers and institutes for political, economic, legal, environmental and management studies. Several of such institutes and centers are founded under NASAQ foundation and others are fostered institutions that originated under other entities.

    NASAQ is corporately affiliated to ACME Corp; a Strategic Advisory and Investment Management Firm. The theories, methodologies and the modus operandi for ACME Corp’s Advisory and Investment Management modules are developed through ‘Strategia’.

    Strategia Corporate Fields:

    ACME Corp’s Business Lines;
    ACME Strategic Advisory & Institutional Development
    ACME Strategic Investment Management & Advisory
    ACME Family Office
    ACME Strategic Philanthropy
    ACME Risk Management
    ACME Family Business Sustainability Forum
    ACME Family Wealth Preservation & Management Forum
    ACME Family Wealth Fund
    ACME Angel Fund

    On the macro societal scale, it is within ‘Strategia’ where specific political, economic and technical studies are conducted within the relevant specific institute or center of the NASAQ foundation network.

    Strategia Societal Fields:

    Institutes and Centers of the NASAQ Foundation Network

    AlHawkamah, TIG; The Institute of Governance
    Institute for Policy and Democracy Integrity
    The Egyptian Institute of Democracy, EIOD
    LIBERTY Forum/ Café
    Institute of Corporate Legislation
    Institute for Humanistic Economics
    GREEN, Institute of the Environment
    Maqasid, Center for Religious Discourse
    Institute of Strategic Philanthropy
    Crisis Management Institute

    Research Areas

    Corporate Development Unit

    The business development unit in Planet Strategia puts forward the institutionalization of entities as a main concern in its studies. It has developed Corporate Emergence and Strategic Development Modules and methodologies:

    "Achievement Based Execution (ABE) Concept” ®
    The ABE Concept constitutes the basis of our strategic development approach and provides a smart yardstick against which the human capital, the corporate governance, and the strategic direction of an institutional body are weighted, endorsed or rectified.

    "Institutional Sustainability Management Approach" ®
    This approach constitutes the corporate strategic identity according to balance between the societal needs and aspirations and the value added by the corporation, and then an institutional sustainability model is applied accordingly.

    Family Business Unit
    The family business unit designs the modules, tools, and strategies needed to transform the family business into a sustainably functioning fully institutionalized entity.

    The unit has issued the “Corporate Governance Manual for Family Businesses in the MENA Region”. It is the first manual on corporate governance for family business in the region. It is considered a guide to proper governance practices to achieve sustainability for a business. Without proper governance platforms and due governance diligence, a firm could stand with its hands tied behind its back in the face of simple day to day business dealings and challenges, or – even worse – drown in the challenges.

    In the manual, the “g.a.m.e” approach presents one of the developed modules of how family business goes through circles in order to achieve ownership and management separation on its way to becoming a real sustainable institution.

  • bui

    JADAT Alhikmah / Planet ‘ACHIEVIA’;

    Social Synergy Unit

    The Societal Synergy Unit at Planet Achievia enlivens philosophies, theories and strategies developed within Philosophia and Strategia in the social realm.
    In Achievia, societal initiatives and programs are designed to develop intellectual entrepreneurs, and to foster and support political and economic intrapreneurs.
    Planet ‘Achievia’ constitutes a Synergetic Implementation Platform for Sustainable Development Initiatives. It is a platform designed to intellectually incubate civil society developmental activities through the Synergy Pyramid Model (a NASAQ societal development model).

    The Social Synergy Unit at Planet Achievia takes all the approaches, models and strategies developed and applies them to the social realm.
    When mentoring our partners, the aim is reinstating the values of freedom and justice as proper means to creativity and sustainability within the institution. Those values, when absent from practice in all kinds of institutions, lead to a state of lost humanism and of virtual oppression of man’s thoughts and creativity.
    Within Planet Achievia many initiatives were fostered and mentored towards  advocating sustainability in the society, with regaining our humanism (our freedom, justice and dignity) as the central origin and terminus.

    This was manifested in the three Achievia forums:

    Noon ن

    Level I - Noon Forum:
    Noon is an Arabic Alphabet which symbolizes a space of harmony and understanding. At Noon, the aim is to intellectually foster the individual’s awareness of his/her relationship with the community space and awareness of his/her surroundings, duties, roles and responsibilities, and rights. This understanding and awareness represent the base for the given individuals’ moves within the society.

    Level II - Maqsid Forum:
    Maqsid–an Arabic word that denotes the terminus for any action. Maqsid is a space of structured communication and eligibility building. Maqsid forum is the platform that takes the now-knowledgeable individuals to work together towards achieving the ultimate Maqasid – Termini – for any reform or development initiative. These termini are: “Freedom, Justice and Dignity”.

    Level III - Masry Forum:
    Masry is the space of synergized actions and societal institution creation or development. When all initiatives (however different) and all individuals (however diverse) seek one objective; this is when Masry Forum is established. The Revival of the “Egypt Mainstream” initiative is a clear manifestation of this forum.

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    Egypt Mainstream

    The revival of the Egyptian Mainstream initiative is an old idea in new attire.
    The Egypt Mainstream Revival Initiative aims at reinstating the values of a real society and further on a real country.
    It aims at bringing up the Egyptian individual from the subzero level of humanism, to ground zero level.

    Upon reaching ground zero, a consensus is built in the society around the grand objectives, regardless of the differences in the approach. These differences enrich the society and open new realms of knowledge, acceptance and tolerance.
    Given this philosophical background and adopting the NASAQ philosophy in an attempt to institutionalize, the mainstream resulted in three platforms:

    Egypt Demands
    Egypt Decides
    Egypt Directs

    Each platform is a practical manifestation of the realms in the institution of thinking.

    Egypt Demands: the Philosophy realm
    Where a dream materializes into something tangible and becomes a point of consensus among Egyptians. “Dare to Dream”

    Egypt Decides: the Strategy realm
    Where this tangible dream is planned and strategized for.

    Egypt Directs: the Structured Action realm
    Where it all becomes a working achievable reality.

    To know more about Egypt Mainstream visit their Facebook page